Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hi there. I am pleased to share this
review of my new novel
The Dragon and the Rose
Julie A. D'Arcy
Review : Dragon and the Rose
In this first tale of the Tarlisian world, Julie A. D'Arcy spins a vivid story of good vs. Evil, magic and adventure.
Kelley Hartsell "Kelley"
This review is Courtesy of CK2S Kwips and Kritiques
The journey is just beginning in this book, with escapades on every page that will keep one eager to see what comes next, all the way to the surprise revealed at the end. This story is primarily a fantasy novel, but it does have its underlying love stories. The descriptions of the world are brilliantly done; with scents, sounds, and colors jumping out at the readers so they can't help but be drawn into the story.
The characters are realistic, with thoughts and feelings, fears and desires, just like everyone. Garrick's only wish is to protect his world and his people from being destroyed by dreadful evil. He is even willing to sacrifice himself if it means keeping those he cares about safe. Meggahn is a brave woman, wanting her freedom from a dreadful man, as well as wanting his reign of terror to their people to cease. She is willing to do almost anything to see that happen. All of the secondary characters add to the story as well. There is Vellandril, the elven prince who puts duty to his people above matters of the heart. One will love Johden, the young servant to Garrick who longs to be a warrior. And who can forget the frightening Narokah and Madric? Yet their desire to inflict living misery on the people is matched by the goodness of Ejinerah, guardian of the Orb of de Danann, and Arkron the wizard friend of Garrick.
This book captivated this reviewer and has made her eager to read the rest of the books in the series written by the talented Ms. D'Arcy.
© Kelley A. Hartsell. All rights reserved.